25 research outputs found

    GANBA: Generative Adversarial Network for Biometric Anti-Spoofing

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    Acknowledgments: Alejandro Gomez-Alanis holds a FPU fellowship (FPU16/05490) from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Jose A. Gonzalez-Lopez also holds a Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación fellowship (IJCI-2017-32926) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Furthermore, we acknowledge the support of Nvidia with the donation of a Titan X GPU.Data Availability Statement: The ASVspoof 2019 datasets were used in this study. They are publicly available at https://datashare.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/3336 (accessed on 5 December 2021).Automatic speaker verification (ASV) is a voice biometric technology whose security might be compromised by spoofing attacks. To increase the robustness against spoofing attacks, presentation attack detection (PAD) or anti-spoofing systems for detecting replay, text-to-speech and voice conversion-based spoofing attacks are being developed. However, it was recently shown that adversarial spoofing attacks may seriously fool anti-spoofing systems. Moreover, the robustness of the whole biometric system (ASV + PAD) against this new type of attack is completely unexplored. In this work, a new generative adversarial network for biometric anti-spoofing (GANBA) is proposed. GANBA has a twofold basis: (1) it jointly employs the anti-spoofing and ASV losses to yield very damaging adversarial spoofing attacks, and (2) it trains the PAD as a discriminator in order to make them more robust against these types of adversarial attacks. The proposed system is able to generate adversarial spoofing attacks which can fool the complete voice biometric system. Then, the resulting PAD discriminators of the proposed GANBA can be used as a defense technique for detecting both original and adversarial spoofing attacks. The physical access (PA) and logical access (LA) scenarios of the ASVspoof 2019 database were employed to carry out the experiments. The experimental results show that the GANBA attacks are quite effective, outperforming other adversarial techniques when applied in white-box and black-box attack setups. In addition, the resulting PAD discriminators are more robust against both original and adversarial spoofing attacks.FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades Proyecto PY20_00902PID2019-104206GB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/50110001103

    Multi-view Temporal Alignment for Non-parallel Articulatory-to-Acoustic Speech Synthesis

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    Articulatory-to-acoustic (A2A) synthesis refers to the generation of audible speech from captured movement of the speech articulators. This technique has numerous applications, such as restoring oral communication to people who cannot longer speak due to illness or injury. Most successful techniquesso far adopt a supervised learning framework, in which timesynchronousarticulatory-and-speech recordings are used to train a supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used later to map articulator movements to speech. This, however, prevents the application of A2A techniques in cases where parallel data is unavailable, e.g., a person has already lost her/his voice and only articulatory data can be captured. In this work, we propose a solution to this problem based on the theory of multi-view learning. The proposed algorithm attempts to find an optimal temporal alignment between pairs of nonaligned articulatory-and-acoustic sequences with the same phonetic content by projecting them into a common latent space where both views are maximally correlated and then applying dynamic time warping. Several variants of this idea are discussed and explored. We show that the quality of speech generated in the non-aligned scenario is comparable to that obtained in the parallel scenario.This work was funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) under the grant PID2019-108040RBC22/ SRA/10.13039/501100011033. Jose A. Gonzalez-Lopez holds a Juan de la Cierva-Incorporation Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (IJCI-2017-32926)

    Non-Parallel Articulatory-to-Acoustic Conversion Using Multiview-based Time Warping

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    This work was supported in part by the Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) grant number PID2019-108040RB-C22/SRA/10.13039/501100011033, and the FEDER/Junta de AndalucíaConsejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades project no. B-SEJ-570-UGR20.In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm called multiview temporal alignment by dependence maximisation in the latent space (TRANSIENCE) for the alignment of time series consisting of sequences of feature vectors with different length and dimensionality of the feature vectors. The proposed algorithm, which is based on the theory of multiview learning, can be seen as an extension of the well-known dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm but, as mentioned, it allows the sequences to have different dimensionalities. Our algorithm attempts to find an optimal temporal alignment between pairs of nonaligned sequences by first projecting their feature vectors into a common latent space where both views are maximally similar. To do this, powerful, nonlinear deep neural network (DNN) models are employed. Then, the resulting sequences of embedding vectors are aligned using DTW. Finally, the alignment paths obtained in the previous step are applied to the original sequences to align them. In the paper, we explore several variants of the algorithm that mainly differ in the way the DNNs are trained. We evaluated the proposed algorithm on a articulatory-to-acoustic (A2A) synthesis task involving the generation of audible speech from motion data captured from the lips and tongue of healthy speakers using a technique known as permanent magnet articulography (PMA). In this task, our algorithm is applied during the training stage to align pairs of nonaligned speech and PMA recordings that are later used to train DNNs able to synthesis speech from PMA data. Our results show the quality of speech generated in the nonaligned scenario is comparable to that obtained in the parallel scenario.Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) PID2019-108040RB-C22/SRA/10.13039/501100011033FEDER/Junta de AndalucíaConsejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades project no. B-SEJ-570-UGR20

    Silent Speech Interfaces for Speech Restoration: A Review

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    This work was supported in part by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) under Grant PID2019-108040RB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The work of Jose A. Gonzalez-Lopez was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Juan de la Cierva-Incorporation Fellowship (IJCI-2017-32926).This review summarises the status of silent speech interface (SSI) research. SSIs rely on non-acoustic biosignals generated by the human body during speech production to enable communication whenever normal verbal communication is not possible or not desirable. In this review, we focus on the first case and present latest SSI research aimed at providing new alternative and augmentative communication methods for persons with severe speech disorders. SSIs can employ a variety of biosignals to enable silent communication, such as electrophysiological recordings of neural activity, electromyographic (EMG) recordings of vocal tract movements or the direct tracking of articulator movements using imaging techniques. Depending on the disorder, some sensing techniques may be better suited than others to capture speech-related information. For instance, EMG and imaging techniques are well suited for laryngectomised patients, whose vocal tract remains almost intact but are unable to speak after the removal of the vocal folds, but fail for severely paralysed individuals. From the biosignals, SSIs decode the intended message, using automatic speech recognition or speech synthesis algorithms. Despite considerable advances in recent years, most present-day SSIs have only been validated in laboratory settings for healthy users. Thus, as discussed in this paper, a number of challenges remain to be addressed in future research before SSIs can be promoted to real-world applications. If these issues can be addressed successfully, future SSIs will improve the lives of persons with severe speech impairments by restoring their communication capabilities.Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) PID2019-108040RB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Juan de la Cierva-Incorporation Fellowship IJCI-2017-3292

    Acquiring Medical Statistical Competencies in a Demanding Evidence-Based World: Thoughts and Experience from a Student Statistical Team in a Mexican Academic Center

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    Training and encouraging students to critically review the evidence and make evidence-based decisions should be one of the goals of medical education. We report our experience developing an extracurricular university student statistical team that offer statistical aid to other students and faculty. This includes supervised training sessions and mentoring in diverse scientific research fields performed in our university

    HAp Nanofibers Grown with Crystalline Preferential Orientation and Its Influence in Mechanical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Composite Materials

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    There are several synthesis techniques to obtain hydroxyapatite (HAp). Some use surfactant agents, amino acids or halogen salts to control structural nucleation and crystal growth. In others, the use of hydrothermal process to carry out the reaction is effective for HAp synthesis. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal method (MAHM) has been successfully applied in the synthesis of HAp nanostructures, which present well-defined morphologies, high crystallinity and high purity. This is important because nano-HAp is attracting interest as a biomaterial for use in prosthetic applications due to its similarity in size, crystallinity and chemical composition with human hard tissue. In this chapter, developments in obtaining HAp nanofibers, with a crystal growth with preferential orientation, as well as morphology control achieved by using the MAHM is discussed. Also, the synthesized fibers were used to cast ceramics with controlled and interconnected porosity through the modified gelcasting process. Then, these HAp ceramics were impregnated with a water solution of gelatin in order to obtain an organic-inorganic composite material, similar to natural bone tissue. The maximum compressive strengths were determined and the composite materials showed mechanical properties that make them suitable to be used as bone tissue implants

    Impartición de estadística médica en escuelas de medicina: hacia una formación integral

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    El avance de la información científica y la consecuente complejidad estadística ha generado una mayor demanda en las habilidades de lectura crítica tanto en el profesional como en el estudiante

    Research procedures for Vuelta de Obligado site, San Pedro, province of Buenos Aires

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    En noviembre de 1845 en Vuelta de Obligado se produce un enfrentamiento terrestre-naval entre fuerzas de la Confederación Argentina y una flota anglo-francesa. Los objetos y estructuras que quedaron como consecuencia del evento, más la posterior influencia de procesos de transformación, dejaron como resultado un sitio arqueológico con varios palimpsestos y recurrentemente saqueado; así la mayoría de los hallazgos son fragmentos y no piezas enteras, ya extraídas por huaqueros. Hasta la fecha excavamos más de 300 m² en distintas áreas, priorizando los “núcleos de la batalla”, aquellos lugares usados con mayor intensidad que dejaron una mayor densidad de restos; recuperamos materiales en transectas ubicadas en playas del río Paraná y realizamos sondeos y prospecciones. El registro arqueológico presenta conjuntos de vidrio, metal, loza, madera, huellas de postes, etc. Aquí exponemos la estrategia respecto del trabajo de campo, gabinete y damos a conocer los resultados luego de más de veinte campañas desarrolladas.Em novembro de 1845 em Volta de Obrigado produzse um confronto terrestrenaval entre forças da Confederação Argentina e uma frota anglo-francesa. Os objetos e estruturas que ficaram como consequência do evento, mais a posterior influência de processos de transformação, deixaram como resultado um lugar arqueológico com vários palimpsestos e recurrentemente saqueado; assim a maioria dos achados são fragmentos e não peças inteiras, já extraídas por huaqueros. Até a data escavamos mais de 300 m² em diferentes áreas, priorizando os “núcleos da batalha”, aqueles lugares usados com maior intensidade que deixaram uma maior densidade de restos; recuperamos materiais em transectas localizadas em praias do rio Paraná e realizamos sondagens e prospecciones. O registro arqueológico apresenta conjuntos de vidro, metal, loza, madeira, impressões de mastros, etc. Aqui expomos a estratégia respeito do trabalho de campo, gabinete e damos a conhecer os resultados depois a mais de vinte campanhas desenvolvidas.In November 1845, a naval and terrestrial battle between the forces of the Argentinean Confederation and an Anglo-French fleet took place in Vuelta de Obligado, Province of Buenos Aires. The objects and structures which survived after this event, together with the ulterior influence of the formation processes, resulted in an archaeological site characterized by palimpsests. Moreover, this location was under the effects of several looters. Thus, most of the materials located during the archaeological works are fragmented. Up to this date, more than 300 m2 were excavated. The research was performed in different areas of the site, emphasizing the “cores of the battle”, those places used more intensively and where a major density of remains were fund. Archaeological surveys and test pits, as well as recovery of materials, were conducted along the Parana River coast. The archaeological record includes a wide variety of artifacts of glass, metal, ceramic and wood, and post traces carved in the tosca-rock, among others. In this paper, the fieldwork and cabinet research strategy employed in Vuelta de Obligado are discussed. Besides, the results obtained after fifteen years and more than twenty campaigns in this site are presented.Fil: Ramos, Mariano Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lanza, Matilde Mabel. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Raies, Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Helfer, Veronica Lucia. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Bognanni, Fabián Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Lanús; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Salerno, Virginia Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Leiva, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Ciarlo, Nicolás Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Darigo, Mariano Héctor. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes; ArgentinaFil: Warr, Matias Luciano. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes; ArgentinaFil: Dottori, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes; ArgentinaFil: Alanís, Sandra. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Umaño Bertola, Milva Ximena. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Pugliese, Agustina Soledad. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Presas, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: López, Ariel. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Sportelli, Paola. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Raño, Julia. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Santo, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Milani, María Laura Luciana. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Pousa, Yesica. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, Augusto. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, Rocío. Universidad Nacional de Luján; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentin

    Planeación, gobernanza y sustentabilidad Retos y desafíos desde el enfoque territorial

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    Frente a la compleja realidad actual, resulta ineludible el desarrollo de la investigación científica de los fenómenos y procesos urbanos, territoriales y ambientales, que contribuya a su comprensión y la construcción de alternativas de solución a los retos y desafíos vigentes. En este contexto, el abordaje de las ciudades y regiones metropolitanas, el ordenamiento del territorio y la ocupación del espacio, así como la relación sociedad-naturaleza y la complejidad ambiental, precisa la generación de metodologías y procesos de investigación multi e inter disciplinarios que contribuyan a la comprensión de los procesos socioterritoriales, el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida y la conservación ambiental.Programa de Fortalecimiento de la Calidad Educativa PFCE-2016 proyecto K0313101